July began with a bang. My third baby turned 8! What? That is crazy. Holly is so special and brings great things to our family. I am so thankful for her. She is amazing! We spent the majority of the day at Monkey Joe's. A huge building full of air blow up slides and jumps. It was fabulous. They played for hours and I got to read a novel in a glider rocker the entire time (in the air-conditioning mind you). It was worth every penny. We had a small dinner with a few family members and our dear friends the Wachtels. Holly's great grandparents were able to make it too! It was alot of fun!
The fourth of July was a special weekend at Grandaddy and Nana's. They sure know how to throw a party. The food was great! And we got to have sweet time with our family. Between the badmitton, fireworks and sno-cones, we had a blast!
Emily had her first long play date. She went fishing with her friend, Savanna Sanders. She caught bream. She also did gymnastics and swam at the pool. She felt so big to be away for so long with her friend.
Lainey is ready to start homeschooling. She is getting so big so fast. I have wished for so long for them to grow up. And now I want it to slow way down. However, I am so proud of her. She is such a big helper to me. What a pleasure she is.
And today! Well, my son, Nathan, got a hole in one. He was playing golf with his Papa Bill and hit it in on the third hole of Fox Run CC. Amazing! He really loves golf. My dad has provided him with lessons this summer and he absolutely loves it. I mean he loves it! He would play everyday if someone would take him. I love to see him so excited.
I want to thank our parents for being so great! You are a true blessing to us! Thanks for blessing us through blessing our babies. We love all our family. Each of you encourage us in so many different ways. Thank you God for the rich and abundant blessing we have in our family and our friends.